30 Electronics That Are Hiking up Your Electric Bill for No Reason

The Biggest Suckers

So far we’ve covered electronic devices that don’t actually waste THAT much energy, but they still do it when they’re supposedly turned off.

It’s time to talk about those appliances that use a substantial amount of energy. You can get away with leaving a phone charger plugged 24/7, but when it comes to the following electronics, doing so could cost you way more over the course of a year.

Central Air Conditioning

Ever wondered why your utility bill is inflated? Take a good look at your central air conditioning unit. Take a 24,000 BTU central air conditioning system, for example. These use about 3,800 watts of power per hour, meaning you’re paying around $0.46 per hour to run it. In climates in which these need to be used 24/7, you could end up paying $340 per month during the summer.

One of the first mistakes people make is this: not adjusting the temperature appropriately. Most households simply turn the AC on and leave it that way. Worse, closing off areas will ensure you’ll have one chilly room while the rest of the house is still piping hot, making you waste more time, energy and money trying to cool the rest of your house.

Make sure to completely shut the system off when nobody is at home, and don’t forget to unplug it during the cold season so it doesn’t end up sucking energy without you knowing it!

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