30 Electronics That Are Hiking up Your Electric Bill for No Reason

Space Heater

Using a space heater may seem convenient, but with an average wattage of 1,320 watts and costs per hour running at $0.16, it may be time to swap convenience out for a real solution to the problem!

Chances are you may need to add additional insulation in the room you’re trying to heat. If your bedroom is nice and toasty but your office feels like an icicle, you know the problem is insulation. Furthermore, it may be time to block drafts around doors and windows.

But if you’re unable to do those home improvements right now, make sure to turn the space heater off if you’re not at home and while you’re sleeping. Wear warmer clothes until you can invest in better insulation, too!

Hair Dryer

Though a lot of people don’t use their hairdryers unless necessary, we still think we should point out how much power they consume. With an average wattage of 710 watts, you’ll be paying $0.09 per hour.

Dying your hair probably costs around $3 a month, which is not a lot. But if you run a salon? That’s another story entirely!

Still, at home, you can allow your hair to air dry instead, only using the dryer to style it on the lowest settings to save some pennies! Plus, it’s one of the easiest tools to unplug and put away once you’re done!

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