30 Electronics That Are Hiking up Your Electric Bill for No Reason

Random Energy Suckers

Devices that use energy even when they are turned off are a major cause for concern for those who want to cut costs. These are the true vampires in your household and trust us, there are many of them including instant-on TVSs, cable and satellite TV boxes, surround systems and even your computer. In fact, anything with a built-in digital clock also falls into this category.

Put together, these devices use about a quarter of the energy used in your home, according to the National Resource Defense Council. For example, if you live in Northern California, you probably spend between $210 and $440 a year on them. The entire U.S. spends an estimated $19 billion!

What is there to be done, then? Use power strips, unplug items you aren’t using, adjust power settings on TVs and computers. Those are just three steps, but you could also get timers for outlets, too.

Now let’s look at which items around your house fall into this category.

Fishpond Equipment

With an average wattage of 220 watts, fishpond equipment could cost you $220 per year. If there are currently no residents in there, it’ll save you money to pull the plug. But if you are housing fish then it’s time to look for an energy-saving pump, instead!

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