30 Electronics That Are Hiking up Your Electric Bill for No Reason


Again, your microwave might be small but like the coffee maker, it uses a ton of energy. It costs you about $0.18 to operate since these have the average wattage of 1,500 watts. Surprised? Don’t be, it’s understandable since these little guys can heat up entire meals in a matter of minutes. What’s more, they use energy even when they’re not in use.

In standby mode, they use around 26 kWh per year. This would cost an average household around $3.

The average household also likes using the microwave as a convenient clock in the kitchen. But is that reason enough to keep it plugged in at all times? It’d be much more energy efficient for you to check your wrist watch or your phone.

Laser Printer

Despite most households barely using their laser printers, these energy vampires stay plugged in for an absurd amount of time. Their average wattage sits at 250 watts, averaging a cost per hour of $0.03.

While in standby mode, they usually use around 70 kWh, meaning that you’ll pay $8 annually for basically nothing. Put that money aside instead by simply unplugging your laser printer when you’re not using it.




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