Pet and family names
Here’s a useful tip from Google: you should never include in your passwords your pet, child, or spouse’s name. So, if you have plenty of pictures with your dog or your grandkids on your social profiles where you write “With my dog, Suzie” or “With my grandkids, Marc and Anthony”, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out you might those names in your passwords as well.
Funnily enough, an infamous hacker learned this the hard way, after authorities managed to crack his code: Chewy123. It has his cat’s name, so as you can see, it can happen to anyone.
1 thought on “Avoid Using These Passwords At All Costs”
This was very good info. It drives me crazy when a co. Deny a password & I have to start over! I use a Rolodex for passwords. Now I am having trouble finding new cards!