Sequential number combinations
There is apparently a trend going on in the world of passwords, where people believe that writing all the numbers from 1 to 10 can be safe. It’s actually so famous, it hit the top 10 passwords people are using.
While it’s a good thing to make your password as long as possible(within a given limit), writing all the consecutive numbers from 1 to 10 won’t necessarily mean your password is strong. If you prefer adding numbers only to your passwords, try finding uncommon combinations of words, either something personal but hard to decipher(birth dates are not hard to crack at all) or something you made up at the moment(but make sure you note it down so you don’t forget it).
1 thought on “Avoid Using These Passwords At All Costs”
This was very good info. It drives me crazy when a co. Deny a password & I have to start over! I use a Rolodex for passwords. Now I am having trouble finding new cards!