12 Retirement Ideas That Work for Any Household

3. Spend Some Money Before You Retire

Here we are, outlining how you can make the best out of your limited resources in one breath, telling you to spend some of your hard earned money in the next… what’s the deal!?

Well, the deal is that if you’re still working then you’re probably in good health and still have the energy and vacation days for a little bit of traveling before you actually retire. Remember, right now you still have an income from your job, so it’s OK if you want to have a little bit of fun before you settle down and leave the workforce.

Alternatively, if you aren’t able to travel then you could focus on a purchase you’ve been eyeing lately that would be more difficult to achieve once you retire!

4. Keep Working

The standard is that once you retire, that’s it, you’ve got to stop working. But this isn’t always the case for a lot of seniors, especially since retirement is vastly different from what it was 20 years ago when pensions were still a thing and you only had to save enough money for a shorter period of time.

Working for longer can not only help supplement your income, but it’ll also keep you active and engaged. Would you rather sit at home all day, watch TV and scroll social media or would you rather do something that makes you feel fulfilled?

And no, we aren’t saying you should hold on to your 9-5. There are plenty of part-time, flexible job opportunities for seniors that could fill up your day in enjoyable ways such as teaching, freelancing, pet sitting, and more!

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