9 Easy Ways to Gradually Transition into Retirement


Just because you’ve retired, doesn’t mean you have to be out of the game. Your former employer or other companies in the industry you’ve activated for so long might still need your expertise and consulting services on certain projects. The consulting work may not come with the same perks of a full-time employee, you can still receive a nice paycheck and even be able to choose your own projects. Consulting can give you the opportunity to continue working on ambitious projects without having to spend all your time in the office.

Hobby job

Do what you love and you will never have to work a day in your life. In that note, if you’re passionate about something, you can turn it into a money-making endeavor. For instance, retirees who make crafts can sell their creations online or at craft fairs and earn some extra money. Gardeners can sell their crop at the farmer’s markets or to interested neighbors. Retirees who play a musical instrument or who are skilled in math or foreign languages might teach or tutor local children.

What can be better than turning your passion into a profitable business?

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