25 Tips to Boost Your 401(K) Now!

8. Get Your Full Employer Match

Some financial investors say that making the most of your employer’s match should be your number one financial priority.

Your employer will typically match your contributions up to a certain percentage, meaning they’ll automatically put money in that account when you deposit your share. Some might match 50 cents for every dollar, but every company differs, so if you’re unsure, reach out to your HR department and see what they have to say.

The more money you put in, the more money they put in as well. Of course, there’s always a limit, but reaching that limit is one of the most important things you can do for your future, as it’s essentially free money. Where else are you going to get that?

Additionally, stay informed on your company’s matching and vesting schedules in order to maximize your savings. Again, you can contact your HR department for more information.

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