- Frivolous Spending – Or, on the other hand, there are seniors who can’t stop spending their money on unnecessary stuff. They might be addicted to television shopping channels, catalogs, telemarketers, or other things on the Internet. Even worse, some parents even hide their purchases, being afraid that their financial independence might be taken away. And while it’s understandable, sometimes, financial planning comes with some territory, so it’s advisable to check their credit card statements if you notice excessive purchases.
- Gambling – There are many elderly parents that are extremely bored, so they fill their time with gambling. Unluckily, casinos are fully aware of this, so retirees are considered a target in their strategy. Need an example? There are many gambling houses that offer a “senior special” meal price, in order to draw elders to play the slots and game tables.
- Elder Abuse – This example is extremely serious, and the unfortunate aspect of it is that it can come from anybody, from family members, neighbors, or paid helpers. If a senior suffers abuse or neglect by someone who is close to them, they can decide not to report it, in order to avoid repercussions.
- Financial Abuse – Another type of abuse that might happen is when a friend or hired caregiver helps themselves to a retiree’s funds. Unfortunately, the elderly parent might not even be aware of it. Or if they are, they might be afraid to tell anyone. Even so, financial abuse is considered a crime, and without intervention, the thieves won’t stop stealing.
- Alcohol or Drug Abuse – Some seniors start drinking more once they face some retirement situations. Either because they feel alone, or because they lack the needed financial security, substance abuse is often considered a way to cope with everything. But it’s not healthy. The best thing is to keep an eye out for changes in mood or even personality or to look for empty alcohol or medication bottles. If you suspect that your loved one might consume alcohol or drugs, address the issue in a non-confrontational way. Even more, it might help to contact their doctor.