- Falls – When it comes to the elderly population, this is one of the main causes of injury, emergencies that require hospitalization, and even death. And if it doesn’t end up in bruising or a broken bone, it’s extremely easy to cover it up. Elderly parents might hide this kind of accident out of fear. To preserve their independence is extremely important to them, even if they risk getting injured. Unfortunately, frequent falls and resulting injuries oftentimes lead to the decision of moving to assisted living communities and skilled nursing facilities.
- Pain – While some seniors are developing a habit of discussing their aches and pains continuously in order to gain the needed sympathy, others tend to downplay their symptoms. These parents might not be honest about their pains, in order to keep away any “unnecessary” worrying. They may want to avoid additional medications or being dragged to doctor’s appointments. Even more, they might be afraid of a bad diagnosis.
- Dizziness – Dizziness can be caused by other medical issues, such as low blood pressure or some side effects caused by medication. Although it doesn’t necessarily have to lead to an alarming situation, it’s important to let people know. Apart from being potentially dangerous, feeling unsteady and dizzy can contribute to accidents.
- Auto Accidents and Driving Infractions – Seniors that are vehement in their wish to retain their freedom and independence might try to prove something and decide to keep on driving. Therefore, if an elderly parent got involved in an accident or received a driving violation, it might end up being hidden away. And these situations might not happen out of police’s injustice, but because the person in cause might suffer from worsening vision, mobility issues, and changes in his/her mental awareness.
- Money Shortages – If a senior’s income becomes unstable, they might decide to stop buying essentials, like food and medications. Some retirees might face financial difficulties, but in this case, they can seek help from federal, state, or even local government programs, but also from community initiatives.