Caught up on Your Retirement Savings? Here Are 10 Easy Steps!

Have a Picture of the Retirement You Want

You can’t start working on your retirement savings if you don’t know what your retirement should look like. Here we’re not talking about the picture-perfect retirement of your dreams. We’re talking about realistic goals you can set up and try to achieve.

You may not be able to travel the world but you might want to set some money aside for a few vacations within the U.S. border. You may not live in a perfectly restored Victorian mansion, but you could live in a small-town cozy house.

See? You need to start thinking about the retirement you want and know you can achieve instead of trying out a one-size-fits-all sum of money you should save up. You could even take it one step further and have a picture in your wallet or credit card sleeve as a constant reminder of where you want to be when you retire.

Without this, it’ll be hard to convince yourself to set money aside!

Go Public About Your Savings Goal

An easy trick to ensure you stick to your goals? Make them public! Of course, you don’t have to blast how much you already have and how much you’re going to spend all over social media. Entrust some information to your closest friends or family members.

We guarantee they’ll ask you how your plans are going every once in a while, and your need to not let them down or have nothing to show for it will make it easier to move forward.

Better yet, make it into a competition. Compete with your family and friends to see who can set most money aside every month. The added fun will make it so much easier to budget. It’s kind of like saving up for an expensive gift for yourself and you definitely don’t want to be overshadowed by the people you’re playing against, right?

The added fun and accountability will make you think twice about splurging on your next shopping trip! It’ll also make you look at your finances in a different light, such as canceling unwanted subscriptions for a time so that you can save up even more.

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