17 Ways to Make Sure Your Retirement Stays on Track

2. Create a Retirement Budget

If you’ve saved up until now then you might be sick to your stomach of budgeting, but continuing the trend will allow you to avoid running out of money too fast.

The good news is that you’ll probably fall in to a lower tax bracket, so that’s one less worry for you during retirement. Secondly, if you’ve stopped working altogether then you can discount any work-related expenses, from clothes, daily lunch and coffee, gas and even public transportation tickets.

So, you see, coming up with a budget won’t be nearly as stressful as you might think. You can already cross several items off your list so you can make way for things that you love such as traveling or hobbies.

You should also consider budgeting for the unexpected. Nobody wants to think about tragedy, but if you have some money set aside it’ll make going through any hardships a lot easier.

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