Carrying student loan debt
Student debts can be crippling, especially if you’re rapidly heading toward retirement and you don’t have much disposable income to rely on. According to John Dick, CEO of Civic Science, a consumer research firm, approximately 21 percent of Americans are college loan debtors and find it almost impossible to save enough money for a comfortable life in their senior years.
Paying more for healthcare
Healthcare costs in the United States have been rising for many years, more so recently, in light of the Affordable Care Act. Americans with health insurance premiums might find themselves paying much more than they did in the previous years for the same services. The cost of deductibles could easily “obliterate” some of the money put aside for retirement, especially in the case of a medical emergency.
If you don’t have enough savings to comfortably cover an emergency, make it a priority to build a fund for urgent matters and avoid using your credit card to pay for expensive medical emergencies.
Read also: 7 Biggest Social Security and Medicare Changes in 2021