Examine Your Social Security Options
Ah, Social Security… one of the most difficult aspects of retirement. Since every senior has options as to when they should start receiving payments, you’ll likely hear varying opinions, especially from those in your community.
Some may be able to tap into their Social Security at 62. Others might want to wait longer, and that’s a viable strategy since the longer you wait the more you’ll receive.
That’s because the total amount you receive stays the same, but if you receive benefits early, your dollars will have to stretch for longer.
That’s precisely why a lot of retirees start taking benefits later, especially if they have other forms of retirement income from savings that they can access earlier on. If that’s not the case for you, then accessing your Social Security early is a good idea.
Again, you’ll have to look at your overall finances. When it comes to these decisions you should never base them on whatever anyone else is doing since their situations may differ greatly from yours.