5 Compelling Reasons to Consider Retiring Later Than Planned

You will be healthier

Your body is your temple and the only one you’ve got so take care of it properly. If working longer is what it takes, then so be it.

According to a study carried out by the University of Maryland in 2009, adults aged 51 to 61 who worked longer in life were less likely to suffer from major illnesses and disabilities compared to people who left the working field earlier. Other similar studies suggested the same thing. For instance, according to a 2013 research, people who continue to work have a lower risk of cognitive declines such as dementia.

If having a 9 to 5 working schedule for longer than planned is out of the question, you should know there are other options, just as good, if not better. University of Maryland researchers discovered that all types of work, be it full-time, part-time, self-employment or temporary jobs, can help you stay active and healthy both physically and mentally. If you’re interested, here are 10 Best Jobs for Retirees.

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