Milford, Del.
City population: 10,654
Share of population 65+: 19.7%
Living costs for retirees: n/a
Average income for 65+: n/a
Community score: n/a
State’s tax rating for retirees: Tax-Friendly
If spending your retirement days on one of Delaware’s attractive beaches seems like a pretty good option, you might be in for a surprise. As a better alternative, consider Milford. The overall living costs are similar to the national average, which is good news. For you to have a better picture, living expenses in Bethany Beach, located 40 miles south of Milford, reach a shocking 83.2% above the national average. Median home value in Bethany Beach is $436,100, compared to the ones in Milford, of $224,500.
The small town is relatively close to the coast, approximately 10 miles away from Slaughter Beach, which translates into a 15-minute drive.
If you’re really committed to seeing the more popular Delaware beaches, you should know it will take around 40 minutes to drive to Rehoboth or Dewey and another 10 to 20 minutes to Bethany.
The city’s downtown includes plenty of restaurants and boutiques, well as the Milford Museum and the Riverfront Theater, where you can enjoy interesting shows by the Second Street Players and movie nights with other residents.