8 Things That Affect Your Social Security Income

5 years ago

After years and years of hard work, you are entitled to receive every last penny of your Social Security. Sadly,…

10 Quick Ways to Earn Some Extra Cash During Retirement

5 years ago

Are you retired or planning to do so in the foreseeable future and want to use your newfound free time…

Live a Great Retirement Life in These 12 Small Towns

5 years ago

When retirement thoughts start crossing your mind, don’t overlook small towns to the detriment of bigger cities. Apart from the…

30 Cities in USA Way Too Expensive for Retirees

5 years ago

Though most of us would gladly pick our retirement destination based on the weather, entertainment value and breathtaking views, the…

Things You Should Do to Save Money

5 years ago

No matter how much money you earn, it never seems to be enough. The world is getting more and more…

A 20-Step Guide to a Horrible Retirement

5 years ago

Retirement is an important milestone. And the closer you get to that moment, the more information keeps piling up. But…

Reasons You’ll Regret an RV in Retirement

5 years ago

When the children are all grown up and retirement is just around the corner, buying a recreational vehicle and traveling…

10 Reasons Why Most American Seniors Are Addicted to Their Social Security

6 years ago

Financial advisors have said time and time again that soon-to-be retirees should consider their Social Security as merely 40% of…

24 Cities Where Your Social Security Can Pay the Rent

6 years ago

Who doesn’t dream of retiring with a million dollars in their bank accounts? Better yet, who doesn’t want to spend…

Downsizing Your Home? Stay Away From These 8 Crucial Mistakes

6 years ago

Small spaces, big decisions Downsizing can be a great thing in terms of saving more money and enjoying more of…