From finance bloggers and money gurus to family, friends, and even neighbors giving you all sorts of tips and advice on how to make more money, manage it, invest it and spend it, it can be difficult to tell what’s true and what’s not. You hear them so much that you end up believing them without questioning their truthfulness.
To help you separate fact from fiction without tearing your hair out about not knowing what to do or regretting a decision, we’ve asked various personal finance experts across the country to debunk some of the most common money myths people believe but definitely shouldn’t.
From credit cards and debts to bargains, discounts and retirement savings, here’s are 12 financial myths you may have heard but need to stop believing.
For this topic, it's worth quoting Benjamin Franklin who once said: "In this world, there…
If you're about to retire, then you probably want to be sure you'll never be…
There is a research center at George Mason University called the Mercatus Center, which has…
Social Security is definitely a safety net for lots of Americans. You might not even…
We go grocery shopping throughout our whole lives, and that's a fact. Given the fact…
When it comes to retirement, things like income, taxes and retirement plans are always prioritized.…