Good Time Management Means Trading Chores You Hate
It’s equally as important to look at the things you dislike doing. This time, we’re talking about chores. Is it possible for you to discuss with your partner about trading chores? If so, then it’s time you did so. Both of you should have a fulfilling retirement, and switching things up around the house could help tremendously.
If this isn’t an option for you, pairing something you dislike with something you like might give you the motivation you need. For example, I love listening to an audiobook while I’m cooking or cleaning. If I’m folding laundry, I usually call friends or family members to catch up!
Does this sound like multitasking? It’s actually not. That’s because you’re combining a cognitive task with a physical one, so you won’t experience a cognitive overload.
Time Management Tip: Designate a Day for Must-Do Jobs
There are certain tasks that we have to do, no matter how much we’d rather avoid them. You don’t always have to manage your time around them. If you pick out a block, such as a certain day of the week or month to take care of them you won’t feel guilty about ignoring them for a while.
Then, once they’re all done, you can go back to doing the things you love.
Now, this may take some practice, especially if you figure out how to manage your time during that particular day in order to get everything done. But it’s well worth the effort, and you’ll feel much happier about how you spend your time overall. After all, you won’t have to interrupt your favorite activities in order to, say, call some vendors.