11 Social Security Mistakes You Have To Avoid Before You Retire

The Mistake: Only Considering Your Own Benefits

Sometimes, claiming your own benefits could be your downfall. We’ve seen many seniors regret not claiming their spouse’s benefits for various reasons. Some might not have been aware that they have more than one option, but we’re here to shed some light.

Stay-at-home parents typically claim their spouse’s benefits because they haven’t earned 40 work credits or their average is lower because they haven’t worked for a full 35 years. Whichever the case, not thinking about your options could mean less money in your pocket once you reach retirement.

Solution: Consider Your Spouse’s Earnings Record

Don’t even think about claiming benefits before checking your spouse’s work record, whether you’re divorced or not.

Yes, that’s right. Even if you and your ex have decided to go your separate ways that don’t mean you can’t claim their benefits. Of course, there are certain boxes you have to check first.

Has your marriage lasted more than 10 years? Are you currently unmarried? Have you turned 62? These are just some of the things needed in order to claim their benefits, but there’s more. Of course, your spouse also needs to be eligible for Social Security retirement or disability checks. Lastly, your own benefits should be lower- otherwise, why would you ever go this route?

If you’ve checked every box, you’re good to go.

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